Your points are calculated under the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) and it is deemed if you are eligible for a direct entry into the country with a Permanent Resident application. The points are based on your professional and academic experience.
Find out if you can make the shortlist today: **Insert Link to CSR Calculator”. Federal Skilled Worker: This program is for people who have prior work experience as a skilled worker and wish to permanently immigrate to Canada.
We will ensure that your previous work is well documented and recognized for your application and that you get the earliest application processing.
Canadian Experience Class: This program is for individuals with Canadian work experience who wish to become permanent residents of the country.
You will get real time updates on your application status and will be kept in loop on each step to ensure that your application processing experience is satisfactory.
Federal Skilled Trade: This program is for skilled individuals who are experienced in a particular skilled trade and wish to become permanent residents of the country. The skilled trades are based on the different provinces you would be applying for. Each province has its own recognized trade. Click on the link below to see the list of different skilled trades that qualify for this program in different provinces.
Our team is actively working to make your application experience fulfilling, and your application stand out from the rest and we invite your inputs to your application for this. Your personalization to your application will give it the edge to be selected early.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided on the page is as of December 2020. This policies are subject to change by immigration refugee citizenship Canada and or the provincial government of Canada without a notice. Viapply and it's agent do not guarantee the validity and effectiveness of federal or provincial policy before the date of when retainer comes into force.